Nigerian Union in Sweden is an organization with a focus on the Nigerians in Sweden. With the inter alia aim ;
- Serve as a unifying entity to facilitate and enhance collaboration between different ethnic groups and association
- Help the new arrivals for better and faster integration into the society, by constantly organizing seminars and symposiums to bring awareness to her members
- Arbitration & conflict resolutions for Nigerians to help de-escalate issues before becoming a wicked problems
- Organize and promote events that will foster social-cultural developments
- Collaborate and partner with the Nigerian Embassy to resolve issues concerning Nigeria and set policies
§ 1.NAME:
1.1 The name of the organization is NIGERIAN UNION SWEDEN.
1.2 Nigerian Union Sweden is politically and religiously neutral.
1.3 Nigerian Union Sweden is an ideal and a non-profit making organisation.
§2. AIMS:
2.1 To act as a common forum through which Nigerians, Swedes and other nationalities in Sweden can discuss matters of mutual interest to human harmony and progress.
2.2 To serve as venue for social and cultural interaction between Nigerians and other nationalities in Sweden.
2.4 To maintain good contact with the Nigerian and Swedish authorities.
2.5 To act, when necessary, as a link between members of the Union and the Swedish authorities.
2.6 To promote and encourage solidarity at all times amongst members.
3.1 Membership in the Union is open to all Nigerians, Swedes and other nationalities in Sweden. 3.2 Application for membership shall be in writing on a prescribed application form obtainable from the Secretary. 3.3 Application for membership is subject to approval by the Executive Board. 3.4 Annual membership fee shall be decided at Annual General Meeting (AGM). 3.5 Members shall pay annual membership fee latest, 31st March every year. 3.6 In case of a new member, membership fee shall be paid a month after admission and shall be valid only for the financial year in question.
4.1 The Union’s financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December every year. 4.2 Projects approved by the General House or at AGM, shall be financed by obligatory levies on members. 4.3 Projects can also be financed through donations from members or grants from the authorities. 4.4 The Union shall maintain a Plus Giro account that can be operated through internet by the Treasurer. 4.5 In case of direct cash withdrawal the Treasurer and, either, the President or the Secretary shall jointly sign to withdraw money from the Union’s account. 4.6 Subject to the approval of the Executive Board or the General House, the President together with the Secretary or the Treasurer, are authorised to jointly enter into legal obligation on behalf of the Union if the need arises.
5.1 The Executive Board of the Union shall consist of all the Officers listed in § 8 (eight). 5.2 The Executive Board shall be the governing body of the Union, and it shall have full control over the affairs and management of the Union’s economy, within the framework of the constitution
6.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held anytime from 1st January each year but not later than 31st of March of the year. The Secretary shall give advance notice of twenty-one days to members as well as venue for the AGM. Agenda for the AGM shall contain the followings:
(a) Opening of the AGM by the outgoing President. (b) Appointment of a Chairperson for the AGM. (c) Ratification of AGM’s agenda. (d) Appointment of a Secretary for the AGM. (e) Appointment of one minutes’ checker. (f) Affirmation on if the AGM is constitutionally summoned. (g) The Executive Board’s annual financial report and presentation of the budget for the year by the President. (h) Auditors report and recommendation(s). (i) Grant of freedom from liability for the Executive Board. (j) Approval of Voters’ list. (k) Election of members of the Executive Board (Proposed by the Electoral Officers). (l) Appointment of two auditors. (m) Appointment of two electoral officers. (n) Ratification of annual membership fees. (o) Other Matters.
6.2 Monthly General Meetings (MGM) shall be held at a venue and time that shall be communicated in writing to members at least seven days before the meeting date.
The agenda for the MGM shall include the appointment of, at most, one minutes’ checker.
6.3 The Executive Board’s Meeting (EBM) shall be held, preferably before MGM. 6.4 In case of emergency, the Executive Board shall summon a general meeting through the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary. 6.5 The Secretary or the Assistant Secretary shall summon an emergency meeting of the Executive Board if any of its members writes to demand such. 6.6 An Emergency General Meeting shall be summoned by the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary if demanded in writing by at least fifteen endorsing members of the Union. 6.7 In the absence of the President at any officially summoned meeting (executive, general or emergency) members present shall appoint a Chairperson to preside over the meeting, provided, the conditions in §7 (seven) are fulfilled.
7.1 Quorum at general meetings shall be seven (7) members. 7.2 Quorum at executive meeting shall be four (4) and whenever voting on any issue is even, the President’s vote shall count double.
The Union shall have the following officers: 8. 1. 1 The President who shall preside and act as a provost over all meetings of the Union. The President shall delegate or temporarily assume the duty of any member of the executive that is unable to perform his/her duty. 8. 1. 2 The Secretary who shall maintain a complete list of membership in the Union; shall prepare agenda and keep a record of all meetings of the Union; shall post advance notice of
meetings to all members. He or She shall be responsible for the official correspondents of the
Union. 8. 1. 3 The Assistant Secretary who shall act if the substantive Secretary is absent or if any duty is delegated to Him /Her by the Secretary. Should both the substantive Secretary and the Assistant be absent at any officially summoned meeting of the Union, members present shall appoint a Secretary for the meeting provided conditions in §7 (seven) are fulfilled. Should the substantive Secretary or the Assistant fail to comply with the provisions of sections 6.1 & 6.2 of this constitution, the President or any member of the Executive Board shall exercise the right conferred on the Secretary to summon meeting. 8. 1. 4 The Treasurer who shall keep records of the Union’s financial transactions, execute payments approved by the Executive Board or the General House at MGM, deposit money received into the Union’s account, render financial account to the Executive Board and the General House. 8. 1. 5 The Publicity Secretary, who shall be the Public Relation Officer (PRO) of the Union and shall work hand in hand with the Social Secretary in any social activity organised by the Union. 8. 1. 6 The Social Secretary who shall be responsible for social affairs of the Union and monitor member’s wellbeing. 8. 1. 7 The Cultural Secretary who shall be responsible for the Cultural Activities of the Union. 8. 1. 8 The Youth Secretary who shall be responsible for Youth Activities. 8. 1. 9 Officers shall assume duty immediately after the close of the Annual General Meeting at which they were declared elected.
9.1 The Auditors shall prepare and present a comprehensive audit report at the Union’s AGM. The Auditors at their own discretions can audit the account of the Union at anytime within the Union’s financial year.
10. 1 In case the electoral officers or any of them remain dormant the President shall alert the General House at MGM who shall then appoint new electoral officer(s). Electoral Officers shall
recruit and propose candidates for elections at AGM and at by-elections. Any member wishing to nominate candidate(s) shall do so in writing to the Electoral Officers.
11. 1 Ad-hoc Committees may be set up by the General House or the President to perform specific assignments. Such Committees stand dissolved after the assignments for which they were set up have been carried out.
12.1 Members shall attend meetings REGULARLY and on TIME. Any member who fails to attend two monthly general meetings of the Union, without valid reasons known to the Secretary and the Social Secretary, shall be liable to a fine of Fifty Swedish Crown (50 Kr). 12. 2 Withdrawal from the Union as a member shall be in writing. 12. 3 Dues/other contributions paid/made to the Union are not refundable on withdrawal or for any other reasons. 12. 4 Any member can be appointed by the Executive Board or the General House to represent the Union externally in areas where he or she is best qualified. 12. 5 Members shall uphold and defend the Constitution at all times; work for the growth, progress and unity of the Union. 12. 6 Disputes between members may be reported by any member to the Executive Committee for mediation and peaceful settlement. 12. 7 Members shall abide by the decisions of majority at meetings of the Union. Decisions by the General House shall not and cannot be altered or modified without prior reference to the Union’s General House. 12. 8 Any member who fails to comply with the provisions of the Constitution or in any way causes damage to the image of the Union shall be disciplined either on the recommendation of the Executive Committee or through direct action in the General House at the Union’s MGM. 12. 9 The General House at MGM can, on recommendation by the Executive Board, suspend, expel or fine who has acted against the interest of the Union, spoiled the image of the Union or seriously violated any of the provisions of the Constitution. 12. 10 Members of the Union can move a motion of no confidence on any officer of the Union at MGM. Apart from such motion being substantiated with facts or figures or both, the motion must be seconded and followed immediately by a secret ballot. 12. 11 Any motion of no confidence either on the entire Executive Board or an officer of the Union shall require a two-third (2/3) majority vote of members present at a MGM for such motion to be regarded as having been passed. 12. 12 The Executive Board stands dissolved as soon as a motion of no confidence is passed on it. 12. 13 In case the Executive Board is dissolved before the expiration of its tenure, a Caretaker Committee shall be appointed, by the MGM, with immediate effect to exercise the rights conferred on the Executive Board according to §8 (eight) of the Constitution. 12. 14 Even if, a vote of no confidence passed on an officer of the Union is inconsequential to the
life span of the Executive Board, such officer shall immediately relinquish office pending by-election. 12. 15 No member of the Executive Board of the Union is allowed to be an officer or part of the Executive Board of any Nigerian organisation in Sweden, except if such organisation is affiliated to the Nigerian Union Sweden.
13. 1 Desire by any member to change, partly or wholly, the Constitution shall be communicated in writing to the Secretary a month before the MGM of the Union. 13. 2 Changes in the Constitution shall require two readings at two separate MGM(s). 13. 3 Changes in the Constitution shall be effected after a two-third (2/3) vote of members present at the MGM has been obtained for such amendment(s). Members present at the MGM shall decide the effective date of the amended part(s) of the constitution.
14. 1 If the Union is unable or unwilling to retain active status, the existing Executive Board and the remaining Active Members are obliged to orderly dissolve the Union. 14. 2 Dissolution of the NUS shall occur according to section 14. 1 if four-fifth (4/5) of all paid members for the financial year are present at the MGM or emergency meeting where a motion for dissolution is moved and adopted by a two-third (2/3) majority of members present. 14. 3 In case of dissolution all assets of the Nigerian Union Sweden shall be evaluated and shared equally, only among, members who have paid membership dues for the last five years to date. 14.4 In case of asset deficit or debts all members are obliged to contribute proportionally to offset the Union’s debts.
§15. VALIDITY: 15. 1 This Constitution is valid from 28 February 2014.